Dear SAC FTP-user! If you own any AV of older version than that in directory /pub/pc/avmuseum at this server, let me know, please! Thanks in advance Peter Hubinsky ******** ******** ******** SAC BBS and SAC FTP-server * * * * file administrator ******** ******** * * * * * Tel. +42 7 791 608 ******** * * ******** E-Mail: FIDO: 2:422/80 _______ Slovak Antivirus Center ____|__ | (r) Bratislava, Slovakia: --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of TLF +42 7 2048 228 | | |_| Shareware FAX +42 7 2048 230 |__| o | Professionals BBS1 +42 7 2048 232 19.200 NonStop -----| | |--------------------- BBS2 +42 7 2048 295 28.8K NonStop |___|___| ASP Approved BBS FTP: